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美东时间2021年6月19日晚上7:30-9:30PM. 华尔街证券期货俱乐部(Wall Street Securities and Futures Club,简称WSSFC)2021投资报告会通过ZOOM线上成功举办,此次活动由华尔街证券期货俱乐部WSSFC主办,由复友资本ForYou Capital、韦仕登资本Wisdom Global Capital、雅博国际、Oceanus Research、METIS美提斯、CrowdThnk协办,由美国太平洋证券公司(Global Pacific Secuities US Inc.,简称GPS)承办。此次研究报告会媒体为《侨报》,纽约在线。

会议伊始,由主持人屈正哲先生(美国太平洋证券公司GPS CEO, 华尔街证券期货俱乐部WSSFC主席)介绍本次华尔街证券期货俱乐部WSSFC研究报告会的嘉宾、议程,、主办方、协办方及承办方,并致欢迎词,对各位嘉宾表示衷心的感谢,对参加线上活动的来宾表示热烈的欢迎。期待未来继续披荆斩棘,乘风破浪,合作双赢,共同发展。

随后研究报告会正式开始,首先由Oceanus Research创始人蒋晓炜先生发表为“基本面量化的投资策略解密”演讲,他的演讲内容包括:后疫情时代的投资逻辑和挑战。在后疫情时代的市场出现的特征和投资者关注点,以及投资展望;什么是基本面量化策略;基本面量化策略与传统基本面分析的异同;基本面量化策略的投资逻辑和投资流程;基本面量化策略的最新发展,基本面量化策略的信息源更广,模型更加发杂,机器学习的应用更加深入。

然后由纽约美提斯(METIS)资产管理公司创始人兼首席投资官董伟琴女士发表主题为“2021下半年美国经济与股市走向?”的演讲,演讲内容为:美国下半年经济继续复苏,经济衰退的可能性小,美联储的政策支持经济,失业率会继续下降;通货膨胀的压力和美联储提前加息会影响到经济复苏; 在美国的长期牛市继续,但是下半年风险增加。

在主题演讲结束后,进入提问环节。 提问包括:华尔街量化交易、机器人学习的最新动态?在目前的市场条件下,投资者如何运用量化策略?美联储货币持续政策宽松与预期加息的矛盾对美股市场的影响?在牛市持续但风险增加的背景下投资者的策略?等等.


陈凯丰先生,华人交易与投资协会会长;陈杨先生,黑石固定收益和多资产投资风险与定量分析董事总经理;丁大庆先生,美国索罗威资本&风险顾问有限公司创始人;杜云松先生,华尔街联合金融酒会创始人;宫茜女士,中大校友会长;胡刚先生,WINSHORE资本合伙人;胡盛华先生,Silvan集团董事长;胡国祥先生, 美国恒保企业集团HBM Group董事长;刘静女士,人民大学大纽约地区校友会副理事长;马华强先生,华人投资与交易协会副会长;莫恒勇先生,AIG首席经济学家及全美华人金融学会前主席;毛学军先生,武汉大学大纽约地区校友会会长;彭谦先生,美国亚洲金融协会前主席;钱宇颖女士,科大校友会会长;宋翔先生,复旦大学美国校友会会长;徐幼余先生,LibreMax合伙人;严鸣先生,Karya Capital 合伙人;仰文奎先生,清华大学大纽约地区校友会董事长;余歌女士,北京大学大纽约地区校友会会长;朱宁先生,纽约人寿多资产基金经理;周谷声先生,复友资本创始合伙人及复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部会长;张维尼女士,雅博国际集团总裁;张鸿飞先生,弘桥集团董事长;钟岳先生,美国湖南商会会长。


2021 Investment Research Report Meeting set sail again

New York City, NY, 19:30 - 21:30, Jun 19, 2021

The 2021 investment report meeting of Wall Street Securities and Futures Club (referred to as WSSFC) was successfully held online through ZOOM. The event was hosted by Wall Street Securities and Futures Club (WSSFC), co-organized by ForYou Capital, Wisdom Global Capital, Yabo International, Oceanus Research, METIS, and CrowdThnk, and undertook by Global Pacific Securities U.S. Inc. (GPS). The media for the meeting was reported by Overseas Chinese News and New York Online.

At the beginning of the meeting, the host, Mr. Qu Zhengzhe (CEO of US Pacific Securities Company and Chairman of the Wall Street Securities and Futures Club), introduced the guests, agenda, organizers, co-organizers, and undertakers. He gave a welcome speech to express heartfelt thanks to all guests and a warm welcome to the participants who participated in the online activities. Through this meeting, he wished that all parties could continue to overcome obstacles, brave the wind and waves, cooperate, and develop together for a win-win situation in the future.

The research report meeting began after the opening. Mr. Jiang Xiaowei, the founder of Oceanus Research, firstly delivered a speech on “Deep Understanding of Quantamental Strategy.” His speech included: investment logic and challenges in the post-epidemic era, the characteristics and concerns of investors in the post-epidemic era as well as further investment prospects. By analyzing the application of quantamental strategy in the industry, he explained the similarities and differences between quantamental and traditional fundamental analysis, the investment logic and process of the quantamental strategy, and the latest quantamental approaches. He featured multiple new factors, including broader information sources, advanced modeling, and more profound machine learning applications.

Ms. Dong Weiqin, the founder and chief investment officer of New York Mettis Asset Management Company, delivered the second speech on the topic of “The U.S. Economy and Stock Market Trends in the Second Half of 2021?” The content stated that the economic recovery in the second half of the year indicated the low possibility of economic recession, and the Fed’s policy to support the economy would cause the unemployment rate to continue to fall. The speech explained how inflationary pressure and the Fed’s early interest rate hike would affect economic recovery in the long term. She also predicted that the bull market would continue, but risks would increase in the second half of the year.

After the keynote speech, the meeting provided a question-and-answer session. Questions include: the latest developments in Wall Street quantitative trading and ML; under current market conditions, how can investors use quantitative strategies? The impact of the contradiction between the continued easy monetary policy of the Fed and expected interest rate hikes on the U.S. stock market. Investors’ strategy in the context of the continued bull market but increasing risks. And several other questions.

This report invited nearly a hundred colleagues and professional investors from securities, futures, and funds from North America, Europe, and China to participate. The guests invited to attend this event are (ranked in alphabetical order):

Mr. Chen Kaifeng, Head of Chinese Trading and Investment Association; Mr. Chen Yang, Managing Director, Risk and Quantitative Analysis Group;Dr. Ding Daqing, Founder of Soloway Capital & Ventures, Inc; Mr. Du Yunsong, Founder of the Wall Street United Financial Reception; Ms. Gong Qian, President of CUHK Alumni;Dr. Hu Gang, Partner of WINSHORE Capital;Dr. Hu Shenghua, Chairman of the Silvan Group; Mr. Hu Guoxiang, President of HBM Group,Inc. Ms. Liu Jing, Chairman of Renmin University Alumni Association; Mr. Ma Huaqiang, Vice President of the Chinese Investment and Trading Association; Mr. Mo Hengyong(Henry Mo), Chief Economist of AIG; Mr. Mao Xuejun, President of Wuhan University Alumni Association; Mr. Peng Qian, Former Chairman of the American Asian Financial Association; Ms.Qian Yuying,President of the University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Association;;Mr. Song Xiang, President of the Fudan University American Alumni Association; Dr. Xu YouYu, Partner of LibreMax;;Dr. Yan Ming, Partner of Karya Capital; Mr. Yang Wenkui, Chairman of the Tsinghua University Alumni Association; Ms. Yu Ge, President of the Peking University Alumni Association; Dr. Zhu Ning, Managing Director of MacKay Shield LLC; Mr.Zhou GuSheng, Founding Partner of For you Capital, Ms. Zhang Weini, President of Astosino; Dr. Zhang Hongfei, Chairman of KIG capital; Mr. Zhong Yue, President of Hunan Chamber of Commerce(America);

Through the exchange of research reports and Q&A, all guests and participants shared Wall Street quantitative trading strategies and professional research on the trend of U.S. stocks in the second half of the year, which enhanced the attendees to grasp the capital market trading opportunities and investment strategies in today’s changing times. After a year away, the Wall Street Securities and Futures Club WSSFC Investment Research Report will set sail again!

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