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美东时间2021年8月13日美国太平洋证劵(Global Pacific Securities US Inc.,简称GPS)举办“开业暨周年庆典暨投资报告会”。上午11:30点-下午1:30,开业暨周年庆典在The Capital Grille酒店举办。晚上7:30-9:30PM. 投资报告会在110 Wall Street 6楼以及ZOOM线上成功举办。本次活动由美国太平洋证劵主办,由复友资本、韦仕登资本、雅博国际、Oceanus Research、美提斯、CrowdThnk、信谛注册会计师事务所协办,并由华尔街证券期货俱乐部WSSFC (简称WSSFC)承办。此次研究报告会媒体为《侨报》,纽约在线,全球华视和中华商报。

上午,开业暨周年庆典首先由美国太平洋证券公司CEO及华尔街证券期货俱乐部WSSFC主席屈正哲先生致辞。接着分别由复旦大学美国校友企业家高管俱乐部会长及复友资本合伙人周谷声、复旦大学美国校友会会长宋翔、美国恒保集团董事长胡国祥、招商银行纽约分行行长毛学军、清华大纽约地区校友会董事长仰文奎、美国华人投资和交易协会副会长马华强等嘉宾致辞并表达祝贺。之后嘉宾们在The Capital Grille酒店进行了宴会。

下午,投资报告会在110 Wall Street6楼以及Zoom线上举办。会议伊始,由主持人屈正哲先生介绍本次华尔街证券期货俱乐部WSSFC投资研究报告会的嘉宾、议程,主办方、协办方及承办方,并致欢迎词,对各位嘉宾表示衷心的感谢,对参加线上活动的来宾表示热烈的欢迎。

研究报告会随后正式开始,首先由纽约人寿的债券投资部门MacKay Shields主管朱宁先生发表“美元交易策略”主题的演讲。他的演讲内容包括讨论了美元在经历2020暴跌后的新动态,美元长期基本面以及结构性财政和贸易双赤字与其关系,美国宏观经济情况,美联储政策,和市场对美联储政策的预期。

然后由美国太平洋证券公司CIO及Managing Director Oliver Bergmann发表“华尔街证劵市场介绍”的主题演讲,演讲内容包括了华尔街经纪人和销售商在市场中扮演的职责,如何提供客户想要的服务,以及合规与监管相关的讨论。

接着,Oceanus Research创始人蒋晓炜先生发表了主题为“2021美国股市投资逻辑”的演讲,他的演讲内容涉及:2021年H2宏观面介绍,2021年标普与历史的估值分析,目前影响股市的若干因素,和中概股现状。在演讲最后,他向听众展示了一套完整的长期策略,并对细节做出阐述。

之后纽约美提斯(METIS)资产管理公司创始人兼首席投资官董伟琴女士发表主题为“美国资产配置”的演讲,演讲内容包括:回顾美国10年,20年,30年,以及100年的历史投资回报;讨论了通货膨胀对市场的长期影响; 并解释了长期因素对使核心价格稳定。

在主题演讲结束后,进入提问环节。 提问包括:通货膨胀压力下,美元面临的主要风险是什么?缩表日程临近,资本是否已经布局亚洲市场?中小企业监管的主要困难是什么?如何向长期合作的客户进行营销?政策性风险会让中概股长期被低估吗?基础设施和核心实业资产会成为未来资产配置的主流吗?对下半年股市预测。等等。


Andy 钟,屹联资本CEO;Angelene 黄,纽约咖啡创始人;曹英,Ying Cao Law LLC创始人;董伟琴, METIS CEO; 范薇, Senior Recruiter of Options Group; 蒋晓炜,Oceanus Research CEO; 胡盛华,Silvan集团董事长;胡国祥, 美国恒保企业集团HBM Group董事长;刘静,人民大学大纽约地区校友会副理事长;刘建业,香港投资专家;马华强,华人投资与交易协会副会长;毛学军,招商银行纽约分行行长;Oliver A. Bergmann,美国太平洋证劵CIO; 钱堃,三巽集团董事长;宋翔,复旦大学美国校友会会长;唐翔, 深圳天松祥公司董事长;唐欣晖,Fidelity Service Managing Partner;王金龙,海投全球CEO;翁越娟,纽约房地产投资专家;夏善晨,美中高级商务研究院院长; 薛树康,纽约文化娱乐公司合伙人; 仰文奎,清华大学大纽约地区校友会董事长;俞心怡,信谛会计事务所CEO; 郑小鹏,曹英律师事务所CEO;朱宁,纽约人寿多资产基金经理;周谷声,复友资本创始合伙人及复旦美国校友企业家高管俱乐部会长;钟岳,美国湖南商会会长。

Global Pacific Securities U.S. Inc. (referred to as GPS) held the " Global Pacific Securities Anniversary Celebration & Investment Webinar" On August 13, 2021, E.T. From 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, the Anniversary Celebration was held at The Capital Grille. From 7:30–9:30 pm, the Investment Webinar was successfully held on the 110 Wall Street 6th floor and the ZOOM. The event was hosted by GPS, co-organized by ForYou Capital, Wisdom Global Capital, Yabo International, Oceanus Research, METIS, CrowdThnk, CINDIE Accountants and Advisers. It also undertook by the Wall Street Securities and Futures Club WSSFC (referred to as WSSFC). Overseas Chinese News, New York Online, GCTV and Chinese Biz News reported the media for the activity.,

In the morning, the Anniversary Celebration was first addressed by Mr. Qu Zhengzhe, CEO of GPS and Chairman of WSSFC. After that, Gusheng Zhou, President of Fudan Entrepreneur Executive Club and Partner of Foryou Capital, Xiang Song, President of Fudan University American Alumni Association, Guoxiang Hu, Chairman of HBM Group Group, Xuejun Mao, President of China Merchants Bank New York Branch, Wenkui Yang, Chairman of Tsinghua University New York Alumni Association, and Huaqiang Ma, Vice President of American Chinese Investment and Trading Association, and Xinyi Yu, CEO of CINDIE CPA Firm, delivered speeches and expressed congratulations. Afterward, the guests had a luncheon at The Capital Grille.

The Investment Webinar will be held on the 110 Wall Street 6th floor and the Zoom in the afternoon. At the beginning of the meeting, the host, Mr. Qu Zhengzhe, introduced the guests, schedule, organizers, co-organizers, and undertakers and gave a welcome speech. He expressed a heartfelt thanks to all the guests and a warm welcome for all participating Guests.

The Investment Webinar officially started afterward. Dr. Zhu Ning, New York Life Insurance Portfolio Manager, delivered a speech on Dollar trading strategy. His speech included discussions on the new developments of the U.S. dollar after the 2020 plunge, the long-term fundamentals of the U.S. dollar, and the relationship between structural fiscal and trade deficits, the U.S. macroeconomic situation, Fed policies, and market expectations.

Then Oliver Bergmann, the CIO and Managing Director of the GPS, delivered a keynote speech on Introduction to Wall Street Securities Market. The address included the responsibilities of Wall Street brokers and dealers in the market, methodology to provide customers wanted products, discussions related to compliance and supervision.

Subsequently, Mr. Jiang Xiaowei, the founder of Oceanus Research, gave a speech on the "U.S. Stock Market Investment Logic." His speech covered the introduction of the macro-level economy in 2021, S&P and historical valuation analysis, and factors that currently impact the stock market, and the status quo of China's concept stocks. At the end of the speech, he showed the audience a complete set of long-term strategies and elaborated on the details.

Last, Ms. Dong Weiqin, the founder and chief investment officer of METIS Asset Management Company in New York, gave a speech on U.S. asset allocation. The content of the address included: Reviewing the United States historical return for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, and 100 years, discussing the long-term impact of inflation on the market and explaining the long-term factors that make the core price stable.

After the keynote speech, the meeting entered the Q/A session. Questions include: Under the pressure of inflation, what are the main risks faced by the US dollar? As the schedule for shrinking the balance sheet is approaching, has the capital already been deployed in the Asian market? What are the main difficulties in the supervision of SMEs? How to market to long-term customers? Will policy risks make China concept stocks undervalued for a long time? Will infrastructure and core real assets become the mainstream of asset allocation in the future? Predicting stock market trends in the second half of the year. etc.

This activity invited nearly a hundred peers from securities, futures, fund industry and professional investors from North America, Europe, and China to participate. The guests invited to attend this event are (ranked in alphabetical order):

Andy Zhong, CEO of EastAlliance; Angelene Huang, founder of New York Coffee; Cao Ying, founder of Ying Cao Law LLC; Dong Weiqin, CEO of METIS; Fan Wei, Senior Recruiter of Options Group; Jiang Xiaowei, CEO of Oceanus Research; Chairman of the Silvan Group; President of HBM Group,Inc; Chairman of Renmin University Alumni Association; Liu Jianye, Hong Kong Investment Expert; Vice President of the Chinese Investment and Trading Association; Mao Xuejun, President of China Merchants Bank New York Branch; Oliver A. Bergmann, CIO of GPS; Qian Kun, Chairman of Sanxun Group; Song Xiang, President of the Fudan University American Alumni Association; Tang Xiang, Chairman of Shenzhen Tiansongxiang Company; Tang Xinhui, Fidelity Service Managing Partner; Wang Jinlong, CEO of Haitou Global; Weng Yuejuan, New York real estate investment expert; Xia Shanchen, Dean of US-China Advanced Business Research Institute; Xue Shukang, Partner of New York Culture and Entertainment Corporation;; Yang Wenkui, Chairman of Tsinghua University Greater New York Alumni Association; Yu Xinyi, CEO of CINDIE Accountants and Advisers; Zheng Xiaopeng, CEO of Cao Ying Law LLC; Zhu Ning, Managing Director of MacKay Shield LLC; Zhou Gusheng, Founding Partner of Fuyou Capital and President of Fudan American Alumni Entrepreneur Executive Club ; Zhong Yue, President of Hunan Chamber of Commerce(America);.


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